Faith in Action
2025 Faith Lutheran Stewardship Campaign

Dear Faith friends,
“Faith in Action” is the theme of this year’s stewardship campaign. For almost 76 years, Faith Lutheran Church has been putting faith into action as we try to follow Jesus in our daily lives—through worship, prayer, learning, seeking peace, telling God’s story, serving our neighbors. I continue to be humbled by and grateful for the many ways that the members of this congregation so generously share their time, talents, and treasure to support Christ’s mission in this place. Heartfelt thanks to all of you who have already completed the “Faith in Action” surveys about the ways you give of yourselves to serve this congregation and the wider community. (Copies are enclosed, for your convenience). Your compiled, anonymous responses will provide us with a beautiful collective image of this community’s faith in action. We depend on your generosity to support our staff, maintain our building, provide worship and Christian education, continue our outreach and social ministries in the community, and support the mission of the wider church. Please prayerfully consider how you can maintain or increase your financial giving for 2025 and return the commitment card to the church office (or in the offering plate) by November 25, 2024. You may also make your commitment securely online at (Yes, making a pledge is a huge help with our budget planning process.
And as always, your financial commitment is completely confidential, known only by you, God, and our parish administrator).
Thank you for your faithfulness!
Your sister in Christ,
Pastor Jean
Online Commitment Card
Please use the following form to make your online commitment to Faith Lutheran Church. Although some think of stewardship as only a financial response to God’s love, stewardship encompasses so much more than money. It is about how we use all that God has entrusted to our care — our time, our talents and our treasures — to love God and our neighbors, both inside and outside of the church walls and our homes.
After prayerful consideration and with a grateful heart, I pledge to support the work of Christ’s church and the ministry of this congregation.